
Escort in London

  1. MissJ London Escort

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Phone Buy premium
City London
Areas Canary Warf, Central London, City of London, East London, Knightsbridge
Model Rating Not enough data
Agency Independent
Gender Female
Measurements 32E-32-26
Age 35 years old
Height 174 cm
Body Type Curvy
Spoken languages English (Fluent)
Likes COB COF Couples DATY DFK DT Guide Lesbian Massage
Response time Not enough data
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Duration Price Shots
1h 250 GBP 2
2h 550 GBP 3
3h 900 GBP 4
4h 1,400 GBP 4
6h 2,000 GBP 5
8h 2,400 GBP 5
10h 2,800 GBP 6
12h 3,200 GBP 6
15h 3,600 GBP 6
24h 4,000 GBP 8
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Caribbean Queen ready to rock ur world 💖


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