Victoria Vivid

Escort in Cebu

  1. Victoria Vivid Cebu Escort
  2. Victoria Vivid Cebu Escort
  3. Victoria Vivid Cebu Escort
  4. Victoria Vivid Cebu Escort
  5. Victoria Vivid Cebu Escort
  6. Victoria Vivid Cebu Escort

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City Cebu
Model Rating Not enough data
Agency Independent
Gender Female
Measurements 34A-40-30
Age 30 years old
Height 162 cm
Body Type Curvy
Spoken languages English (Fluent)
Response time Not enough data
Duration Price Shots
1h 5,000 PHP 1
2h 8,000 PHP 2
3h 10,000 PHP 2
4h 12,000 PHP 3
6h 15,000 PHP 4
Sorry incall is not available in Cebu

About me

Welcome to my profile decent gents. Just call me "Miss V", for short. I am kind of jolly person, friendly, cheerful and optimistic. A gentle reminder, be mindful of choosing an escort and which lady is the best for you. Who is able to change your mood from being stress into putting your body on fire. Aside from that, I can be your girlfriend for an hour or two. No dull moments at all and we will share positive thoughts together.


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Victoria Vivid – Throwback photo😁 Anyway, I am willing to travel as long as fare will be shoulder by you dear client.😘😘

vacant now🤗
11 hours ago
Throwback photo😁 Anyway, I am willing to travel as long as fare will be shoulder by you dear client.😘😘 vacant now🤗
Victoria Vivid – I want to tell you something! I am the perfect girl next door, you can hire as a girlfriend for an hour or two. Shall we?
3 weeks ago
I want to tell you something! I am the perfect girl next door, you can hire as a girlfriend for an hour or two. Shall we?