Monica Sparkles

Escort in London

  1. Monica Sparkles London Escort
  2. Monica Sparkles London Escort
  3. Monica Sparkles London Escort
  4. Monica Sparkles London Escort
  5. Monica Sparkles London Escort
  6. Monica Sparkles London Escort

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City London
Areas East London, North London, Northwest London, West London, Westminster
Model Rating Not enough data
Agency Sparkles Escorts
Gender Female
Measurements 36C-28-26
Age 46 years old
Height 174 cm
Body Type Slim
Spoken languages English (Fluent)
Likes Couples Guide Massage
Response time Usually responds within 10 mins
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Duration Price Shots
1h 150 GBP 1
2h 300 GBP 2
3h 450 GBP 3
4h 600 GBP 4
6h 900 GBP 4
8h 1,200 GBP 4
10h 1,500 GBP 4
12h 1,800 GBP 4
15h 2,300 GBP 4
24h 3,650 GBP 4
Sorry Monica Sparkles does not provide incall services
Payment method
Payment to be made within 10 minutes of arrival in local currency.
Cancellation policy
Cancellation on arrival 50 GBP.

About me

Hi, I am Monica, and I hope you enjoy my profile. I am an intelligent and elegant, tall, sexy British lady with long brunette hair, and I enjoy dressing up and pleasing. I am always looking for new adventures, am open minded and can be deliciously naughty in the right company! I have the confidence of a more mature lady and hope we can spend time together soon x Couples are extra.


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